Chia, coconut, and vanilla ‘panna cotta’ with berry compote. Dairy free delish!


I’m just as obsessed with chia seeds as the next wannabeyogigoddesshippiefreak, but I’ve recently branched out from my chia + kale superdayshake and the good ‘ol chia + coco + banana pudding to explore using chia in place of gelatin. I first experimented with strawberry chia ‘jam’ (which I’ll post about soon) but we were having people over for dinner and I wanted a perfect little desert – something light, healthy, and fresh. I was researching panna cotta and all the recipes called for gelatin, so I decided to make a chia version and while it’s not really panna cotta, it’s damn good. Mr. Wonderful even liked it. He actually kinda loved it.


Chia coconut and vanilla ‘panna cotta’ with berry compote:

For the panna cotta

  • 2 cups organic coconut cream
  • 4 Tbs chia seeds
  • 1 vanilla bean pod
  • 2 Tbs maple syrup

For the berry compote

  • 1 box or packet of frozen organic mixed berries
  • 2-3 Tbs maple syrup


1. Mix the coconut cream and vanilla bean pod (bean paste scraped from inside and added to coconut milk) and bring to a boil, lower heat and let simmer a few minutes, then add the maple syrup. Add chia seeds and stir well. Let simmer another couple of minutes. Take off heat.

2. Mix the frozen berries and maple syrup in a small pot and bring to a boil. Lower heat and let simmer for 5 minutes until mixture begins to thicken.

3. Pour coconut mixture into 4 small serving glasses. Let sit for 10 minutes. Add layer of cooled berry compote. Add top layer of coconut mixture and then top off with rest of berry compote. Chill in refrigerator for 2-3 hours and voilà! Serve and enjoy!


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