Devilishly Dyed Eggs and Life Lessons.


I don’t know if it’s writer’s block or just life block, but I wrote this whole post and then deleted it. It felt empty somehow, like a waste of space. Don’t worry, it’s not like I’m in some dark hole, I’m just beat down. It’s been a helluva week here. I spent 7 whole days at home with the little dove sick sick sick and then I got sick sick sick (hats off to that one kid’s parents who sent her to daycare with an emphysema-like cough – we really appreciate your thoughtfulness).

Of course this isn’t the end of the world – everyone gets sick, but in the midst of the burning fever, snot, and coughing that made us both sound like Janis (we sang quite a few rounds of this and this), the little dove went into what we like to call her: developing space or the DS. The DS is something like The Exorcist meets Veruca Salt meets Woody Allen. Just think about that for a minute. Between the tantrums and complete disregard for anything Mr. Wonderful or I say, there is also the ‘my sock can’t touch that part of my leg’ or ‘there is one, ONE, drop of water on my arm and I am dying, wipe it OFF.’ So there’s that. Of course, at the end of a particularly tough day together, when I was ready to break down and start smoking and popping tranquilizers, the little dove came up to me, looked me dead in the eye and said: ‘I love you mamma, I really love you.’ She flung her little soft arms around my neck and big tears fell from my eyes into her messy hair. It’s kind of amazing that one small gesture can change something so quickly. Like a sword cutting through a thick fog. Magic.

Kids have the ability to be totally in the present moment (something we’ve talked about in my posts on yoga). It’s a gift that I feel we lose as we get older. They say how they feel, from their heart, with no filters. Sometimes they can say things that are hurtful or hard to hear, other times they say ‘I love you’ when you are ready to lose your mind. And just like that they help you bring it back. It’s a gift. So, in return for the indescribable sweetness that is the little dove saying those words, I decided to make some devilishly dyed eggs to brighten our day.


These freaking eggs are magical and are dyed naturally with beet juice. They definitely have the power to make someone smile or make your dish get noticed at a party (the ultimate goal I know). Something so simple, yet you look at them and BAM they are fuchsia! Hells bells! And why not eat fuchsia eggs? I’ll tell you why not, because we have lost our sense of imagination. Well dear ones, I’m here to help you get it back. I hope you saved that beet juice from the beets we boiled last week for smoothies because you’re going to dye over what comes next (*chuckles*).

I got this amazing idea off of one of my favorite foodie sites, I wasn’t super interested in doing the pickled beets thing, so I simplified their recipe and was pleasantly surprised when the eggs came out hot pink and didn’t taste strange. I mean it’s kind of weird to stick hard boiled eggs in beet juice right? Wrong. It’s probably the best thing that’s ever happened to an old party dish that needs a makeover. Just in time for your spring religious holidays or lunch. Enjoy!



Devilishly Dyed Eggs:


  • 6 hardboiled eggs, peeled and cooled
  • 2 mason jars full of beet juice (recipe below)
  • 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup mayonnaise or veganaise
  • 2 Tsp dijon mustard
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper
  • Small basil leaves

For the beet juice:

  • Water leftover from boiling a bunch of beets
  • Splash of vinegar
  • A few shakes of salt


1. Place your hardboiled eggs into the mason jars filled with beet juice (make sure your jars aren’t too full so that you have room for 3 eggs per jar). Let the eggs soak for a few hours or overnight (the amount of time determines how deep the color soaks in – the eggs pictured were done overnight.

2. Take your eggs out of the jars and slice in half. Scoop out the yolks and place in a bowl.

3. Add the mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper and mash until creamy. Adjust flavors as you go.

4. With a teaspoon fill the eggs with the yolk mixture. Place a small basil leaf in the center. Crack some fresh pepper on top and enjoy!



P.S. It’s day 5 of our 30 Days of Yoga. Let us know how it’s going for you!

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