Get’cha greens: Kale and Walnut Pesto

I was sitting in bed eating buckwheat cereal with my homemade cashew milk and bananas (outside the covers of course, c’mon people I’m a Virgo after all!), as you do on a Friday afternoon when you’re big pimpin’ er…. a bloggin’ stay at home rockstar, feverishly typing away at the blog, getting it ready to launch. And boom, just like that the bowl fell out of my hands and onto my computer, FTW!? This crap just DOESN’T happen to folks like me, folks who don’t eat in bed or on the couch. In fact, if we can take a moment to pause and reflect on the movie Sixteen Candles and the scene when the two grandmas are making breakfast together, one grandma has a cigarette that’s half ash dangling from her lips and the other grandma is following her with a spatula trying to catch the ashes. That’s me, I follow people so the crumbs never hit the floor (I take comfort in the fact that some of you do too, right? right??). So how is that I reverted to the high school behaviour of cereal in bed?  Blame it on the rain… or the blog. The world may never know, but I can tell you that what I was working on is this little post for you here. So you betta get’cha greens on in tribute to my computer that’s now living with the apple repair folks. Sad panda indeed.

Some things I’m taking comfort in as I live without my computer:

1. The yumminess of this kick-ass pesto recipe.

2. Mr. Wonderful who is sharing his beloved computer with me so I can continue to blog for you.

3. My hometown’s awesome public radio station KGNU 88.5 FM (holla!), and the second longest running radio show in the USA, produced by them: Reggae Bloodlines (on Saturdays, check it out! There is nothing a little Junior Murvin, Sister Nancy, Jimmy Cliff, and Tony Rebel can’t fix.

4. All the amazing feedback I’ve been getting from YOU about this little blog of mine! Wow, what a blessing you all are.

Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, let’s discuss this twist on pesto. Rawrrrrr…. It’s badass. It’s also packed with vitamins from the kale and the walnuts, so it’s a no brainer really (or maybe it’s actually a ‘brainer’ because walnuts are great for your brain! Score!). You could be eating it now, or in about 20 minutes because that’s how short it takes to make it. Unless you’re just waking up, of course then you could have it with eggs. You could literally be eating green eggs and ham! Sweet! So what’s stopping you from giving up that seriously overpriced and not that great pesto you just bought from ‘Whole Paycheck’ (if you’re in the states that is)? Go on, make it now, you’ll feel better. Fresh is best. Can I get a witness? Oh and a prayer for my laptop? Thanks.

Kale and Walnut Pesto:

  • 1 medium bunch kale chopped, center ribs and stems removed first
  • 3 garlic cloves chopped
  • 1 cup grated Parmesano Reggiano
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, toasted
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 2-3 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper


1. Place walnuts in a pan over a medium heat. Stir often to ensure they don’t burn. Let walnuts roast for about 10 minutes or until they are browning and fragrant. Set aside and let cool. Once they are cool chop into pieces.

2. Bring a large pot of salted water to boil. Place kale in water and let the water come back to a boil. Stir gently just until leaves wilt. Immediately rinse leaves in ice cold water. Wrap leaves in clean towel and pat dry.

3. Place all your ingredients in a food processor or blender. Blend until smooth. Store in airtight glass jar. Pour some olive oil on top of the pesto to keep it fresh. Enjoy!

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