GF Pancakes with Strawberry Coulis and Whipped Coconut Cream.


Wow, you know you are a parent when you go out for sushi dinner to celebrate 9 lives years with Mr. Wonderful and you have two glasses of wine, come home at 8 p.m., and wake up the next morning feeling like you went to a 3 day rave. If that doesn’t make you feel old I don’t know what does. I scraped my face off the pillow at 6 a.m. when I felt the little dove’s hands on my cheeks and opened my eyes to see her staring at me and commanding ‘breakfast!’. It’s funny but no amount of coffee fixes this kind of parental hangover. I staggered to the kitchen and  Who are we kidding? Mr. Wonderful jumped up as he does most mornings and made the dove her oatmeal. Honestly, I don’t think I could parent without him because I’m really only half human until my first sip of coffee and since I do my coconut oil and lemon water rituals, I’m not human until at least 7 a.m.. By the time I drank my coffee today (and no, damn your prying eyes, I didn’t do the coconut oil!) and ate a 1/2 piece of burnt gluten free toast (little dove ate the other half grrrr), I realized that no amount of anything legal would help wake me up today. I looked in the mirror and there were literally bags, like little Louis Vuitton weekend duffels, hanging under each eye. It looked like I had had an affair with David Bowie’s makeup artist. Tragically I looked less rock ‘n’ roll chic and more like a member of KISS after a raging hotel party. Needless to say, I wasn’t feeling it this morning. But when you are a parent you don’t have a choice, so I got the little dove ready, pulled my Yankee’s cap over my face, and shot out the door into a chilly and windy spring morning. Did I mention my feelings about wind? No? Well, we’ll leave that for another day.


When you have to just push on through on a day like the one I’m describing, it doesn’t hurt to have some comfort in the form of food. These pancakes, amaaaaa gaaaad, I almost cried. I know, I know, but they were surreal. I mean replacing whipped cream with coconut cream?? Swapping out copious amounts of maple syrup with a fresh strawberry coulis. It just couldn’t be better.

The trick with the coconut whipped cream is the kind you buy. First of all it has to be full fat – if you are dieting with light coconut cream, I would suggest maybe putting down the 20 oz diet soda and that salad from McDonald’s before giving up the fat in coconut milk. Second, it has to be refrigerated overnight in the can. Be mindful, not all brands work for whipping. I first tried the organic coconut milk and it SUCKED. It was chunky and never whipped. I was crushed. I actually wasn’t ever going to try again because that attempt ruined my first ever stab at a berry torte – it was easily one of the most depressing cooking experiences ever. It took some guts to go at it again, but DANG am I glad I did. I bought Thai brand full fat coconut milk, left it in the fridge overnight, and whipped it up the next morning with a splash of vanilla and a splash of maple syrup. It worked! It whipped up great and it tasted fantastic. Gah, I barely have words. The strawberry coulis adds a fresh sweetness and is also very simple and has just a small glug of maple syrup to sweeten it. The combination is divine.

Sadly, these pancakes don’t go with the day I’m describing here. I wish I had had these today, but alas, I had them the day before and can only bask in the memory. Instead I thought I would share the recipe with you so that if you need some sugar in your bowl on a tough day, I’ve got your back with these.


In lieu of pancakes these are some things that made me happy today:

1. Mr. Wonderful and many of his male friends will likely be voting for the Feminist Party this year in our elections in Sweden. And yes, I just wrote Feminist Party. It’s real. Ya, take note USA.

2. I made it into Astavakrasana for the FIRST TIME EVER. What a feeling! yogaeverydamnday!

3. The cheeseburger Mr. Wonderful got for me even though he and the little dove were eating my homemade quiche and salad. Love him. Don’t judge.

4. This & this.

5. Water. So thankful that I have access to it. Truly.

GF Pancakes with Strawberry Coulis and Whipped Coconut Cream:


  • 1 batch gluten free pancakes (we use these)
  • 1 package of frozen organic strawberries
  • 2 glugs of maple syrup
  • 1 can full fat coconut milk that has been refrigerated overnight
  • Coconut oil for frying


1. Heat a tsp of coconut oil in a large frying pan and begin to cook your pancakes. Once they are done you can put them in the oven on a low heat to keep them warm.

2. In a small pot place your frozen strawberries and a glug of maple syrup. Place on a medium high heat and let cook down for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Mash the strawberries with a potato masher or fork until desired consistency.

3. In a medium mixing bowl (best if it’s been chilled – but not necessary) pour in your coconut milk and 1 glug of maple syrup and a splash of vanilla extract. Mix with a hand mixer on medium for about 5 minutes or until peaks begin to form.

4. Plate up your pancakes, pour on some of the coulis, and top it all with your amazing coconut whipped cream. Enjoy!


P.S. Here is some yoga inspiration for you! We are almost half way!!! Great work friends!

5 thoughts on “GF Pancakes with Strawberry Coulis and Whipped Coconut Cream.

  1. Natha Perkins

    I LOVE whipped coconut cream! So I’ve noticed that every once in a while, it just doesn’t work. It seems to be on a can by can basis and I really haven’t nailed why some cans work and some cans won’t work. I always keep a handful of cans on hand though just in case :). Also, a cool trick I’ve learned is to just shake the can up furiously before you put it in the fridge. Then the next day, it’s already whipped for you. I then transfer it into a glass container and refrigerate it. Lasts for days and I use scoops for tea creamer, oatmeal, smoothies and the girls dip fruit in it. Who needs dairy!? Love you Ariella! Wanna come be my chef and yoga teacher…and mom?!? Heehee

    1. LifestyleEngineered Post author

      Thanks Natha!! Those are great tricks! Love you too and YES I would love to be your chef and yoga teacher ;). Sign me up! Love, love, love.

  2. Johanna

    As a staunch holdout on coconut, I have to tell you that your recipe got me to bite the bullet and make whipped cream out of it. SO good! And you make yoga look so fun, I may have started doing it too . . .

    1. LifestyleEngineered Post author

      Yay Johanna!! So so so glad the recipe helped you overcome some of your coconut aversion. And yes, join us in 60 Days of Yoga, or 30 Days of yoga. It’s truly life-changing. Big hugs from across the pond.


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