Old Thing Back, New Thing Here, and A Sunshine Smoothie.


They say distance makes the heart grow fonder and it’s true: I’ve missed this precious space and I’ve missed you, my dear readers.

We’re back after almost two months of travel. As much as I travel, transitions never seem to get easier for me. All of it, my body, my emotions, my spirit, my sleep… they are out of whack and unbalanced. Buddhists say that the soul travels slower than the body. I agree, it takes at least a week to settle into a rhythm.

But if I’m going to be totally honest, It’s also hard for me to come back to Sweden. There, I said it out loud. I know, I know, how can one complain about living in such a remarkable country? A country that provides healthcare, education, progressive politics (Swedish Feminist Party in the European Parliament, what?!), extensive vacation and parental leave, and fika breaks. But as much as I’d like to fight my feelings, spending time in New York, Colorado, and the Dominican Republic reminded me of a pulse of life that I just can’t seem to find here. This pulse that I long for makes me glow. Just ask Mr. Wonderful and the little dove… they’ll tell you that mommy was jumping out of bed at 7am while in the DR. Sun? Beach? Fresh fruit? Salsa music? These things turn me into the energizer bunny on crack. But give me cold and dark and you have to pry me out of bed with a bulldozer, 2 cups of strong coffee, and bacon.


It’s no surprise that I found myself with the post-vacay blues upon returning. It was raining. It was gray. It was cold. Not my strong suit. This weather feels French and makes me want to sit on the windowsill with a crocheted blanket and a cigarette (settle down, you know I don’t smoke, but it’s a feeling so just go with it) and another cup of coffee. I’m listening to Joni Mitchell, The Velvet Underground, Van Morrison, and Yusuf Islam (aka Cat Stevens)… so I guess that really says it all. Damn, it’s not even September yet.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why there is this dichotemy to life: vacation vs. reality. And the rhythm so many of us relatively privileged folks follow… work hard in jobs that don’t necessarily satisfy our soul and then take a few weeks ‘off’ a year to go somewhere warm and relax. Is it because we can’t live the lives we dream of, is it because it’s impossible, unrealistic, challenging, and ridiculous? Or is it because we have conditioned ourselves to believe this is the only way to live? What would happen if we chose to live differently?


I’m not talking about utopia here – although that has always sounded delicious to me. I’m talking about living our fullest potential. Coming home happy. Working in something we love. Giving back to a community we care about. Living life with true intention.

I read something yesterday about the the new moon this month and setting intentions for the next two years. I personally set a lot of intentions in my head, but they often don’t find their way to my life (you too, huh?). So, I was thinking, with us being knee deep in our 60 Days of Yoga (posted on Facebook, if you don’t live there BLESS YOUR HEARTS!, you can join us here for your 60 days now!), that maybe we should set some intentions. What if we believed our lives could be what we want them to be. I’m not trying to be all love and light, I’m genuinely trying to see what can happen if we set our minds on new tracks towards the lives we’ve always wanted. Do you think that kind of change is possible? I am beginning to. I’m not sure what it will look like, but I want to try, because the thought of getting old in the hamster wheel that most of us are on just doesn’t sound appealing.


Here’s an idea: Let’s write down our dreams, goals, hopes for the next two years. Don’t get too overwhelmed by the task, that’s not the point. Just speak from your heart. Be honest about what you really want in life. What would that look like if it manifested? Be realistic, but BELIEVE in your ability to manifest your true potential. Meaning don’t write ‘win a million dollars’ but instead write ‘create a solid financial situation through x,y,z.’ To give you an example I’ve started my list below (it’s not complete, but these are some of the things I’m thinking about):

Two Years Down the Road:

  • Live in a house with more land than house and create a big garden that supplies most of what we eat.
  • Learn how to raise chickens.
  • Go camping a lot and explore the natural world around us.
  • Have a photography show.
  • Have my own yoga studio or be teaching full time.
  • Go to India and Morocco.
  • Teach yoga to activists.

I’m setting these intentions and am committing to actively pursuing them. That doesn’t mean I sit back and just wait for the universe to drop it in my lap. This means I have to set smaller goals now and work on them.

I think it takes a lot of courage to pursue your fullest potential. I think it takes a lot of work and effort. I also think it is totally possible to live the life you’ve always wanted. I can’t count the number of people around me who complain about what is missing in their lives – I’m one of them. It’s exhausting. Instead, let’s shift our consciousness and literally jolt our life off course. Weigh what you have to gain or lose, be honest about the risks, have back up plans, but be BRAVE! Leave that old baggage at the door. You don’t need me to tell you that you are good enough and you deserve this.

It may not be sunny, but while I sip my delicious sunshine smoothie I plan to work on this two year plan and I hope you’ll join me. If you feel like it share it here! Saying it out loud is sometimes the best motivation there is.

So go make this smoothie now and start writing your goals. Let’s see where you can create light in your life.

Sunshine smoothie in mason jar with clementines.

Sunshine Smoothie:

With magic Peruvian Maca root powder and turmeric, this bright and refreshing smoothie is packed with hormone balancing power and cancer fighting goodness. This is my wake up and go do yoga smoothie. Careful, it’s kind of life changing (oh, but wait, that’s the whole point).


  • 3/4 cup frozen or fresh mango
  • 1 banana peeled and cut into pieces
  • 1-2 clementines peeled
  • 1 small chunk of fresh ginger (about a teaspoon) cut into pieces
  • 1 Tbs of organic Maca powder
  • 1 Tsp of turmeric
  • 1 – 2 cups coconut milk


1. Place all ingredients in blender. Blend on high for a minute or until everything is incorporated. Enjoy!

p.s. Here is a video to keep you motivated during our 60 Days of Yoga:

4 thoughts on “Old Thing Back, New Thing Here, and A Sunshine Smoothie.

  1. Jen

    Dropping it hot in the comments section:

    1- Learn French

    2- Replenish savings (we have the house and the yard, and now the depleted savings to go with it!)

    3- Travel to Ireland and St. Kitts

    4- Work on being less critical of myself and others.

    1. LifestyleEngineered Post author

      Love this Jen! And love you for being brave and beautiful. I can’t wait to hear you speaking French while we bask in the sun on St. Kitts ;).

  2. Fernando

    Hola Ariella, some toughts of mine 😉

    1- Live by the sea (real sea, not like in Stockholm) and learn surfing

    2- Spend more time with my loved ones

    3- Raise chickens (I would love this too!)

    4- Travel around Europe with a caravan, with no time limit.

    1. LifestyleEngineered Post author

      Fer! What wonderful goals! I want to join you on that beach!!! And maybe we can go to a farm here in Sweden and learn a bit about chickens together? Love you and hope to see you soon! xo


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