Quinoa Pesto Salad with Seared Chicken and Tomatoes & One Week Down.


This post is coming to you a little late. We’ve been out in the ‘country’ at Mr. Wonderful’s parent’s house – we are actually still here as I type this. What a treat to get out of the city! The quiet is tangible, the birdsong operatic. Sometimes you just have to get out of the concrete jungle and breath. The front door is flung open. The sun is pouring in the living room window and I can hear the family in the kitchen preparing dinner while Ella Fitzgerald sings ‘I’m beginning to see the light…’ in the background. It’s definitely spring in Sweden and I am over the moon.

It’s not just spring that has me swooning. Just like Ella, I too feel like I’m ‘beginning to see the light.’ And I am feeling some deep gratitude right now. It’s so deep, this gratitude of mine, that I almost want to ‘namaste’ you from my computer, but that would be, well, a little too much like this, so I’ll spare you and just get down to it. So grab your chia hemp smoothie, your overpriced mala, and your stinky yoga mat and sit down (in lotus preferably – wink wink) because I want to talk to you about the last 7 days.


It’s pretty amazing what can happen after just one week of a behavioral change. I’m so thankful for this 30 Days of Yoga and all of you out there that are doing it with me. I really feel you and it has made a tremendous difference in my motivation and practice, so thank you! As the first week came to a close I found myself wondering why I hadn’t been doing yoga every. damn. day. for the last few months. What changed? Why did I need the 30 Days of Yoga to remind me? I mean, let’s be honest, I know why I haven’t been doing yoga every. damn. day., but facing it and turning the corner are quite different than just ‘knowing’ why. We are creatures of habit and tend to get stuck in our habitual patterns and if our patterns go downtempo and lazy then we get into the custom of not doing our practice. Once we get in the cycle of not practicing, it’s quite hard to get back to it. And, sadly, that place of what we’ll call ‘unpractice’ is a pretty shitty place to be, right? You may not feel it fully when you are in it because the unpractice becomes a cocoon of layers and soft fluff – maybe it’s junk food, maybe it’s facebook, maybe it’s TV, but they all suck your time and energy and leave no room for what you need. That cocoon can smother you, but it’s a slow smother and you might not even feel your breath getting shorter until it’s too late.

But that’s not for us! No! And this is why we sometimes need to shake things up. Well, let me tell you that jumping back into yoga every. damn. day. definitely shook me up. Even within the first day I could feel the change in my body and my mind. There is a sense of pride and joy that comes from discipline, not to mention the endorphins you get from moving your body. I stand taller, I feel happier and stronger, I feel like my whole self. My daily practice invigorates me and makes me feel connected to something larger than my little reality – it helps me get out of my cocoon. I realize now that this is something that has to happen daily. The past seven days have brought me back to my discipline, devotion, and self care, things I had forgotten and neglected. This week showed me something else as well… it showed me how weak my body had become from my unpractice (and that was freaking scary!), but equally amazed me by showing me how fast my strength came back.

I know that many of you have been doing your daily practice as well and you’ve shared with me personally that you feel the transformation. I am so proud of you. I know that it’s not always easy to carve out 30 minutes just for you, but you are doing it and this is huge. I can’t wait to hear more about the changes you are experiencing. Please share your stories in the comments section to inspire and support everyone else who is doing this or considering it. Sometimes it takes a village.

I know this is going to sound cliché, but my clothes fit better and to be honest, my hunger cravings have diminished significantly. Now let’s not go overboard, I still LOVE food – that will never change. And this is why I have found it really rewarding to write about yoga and food during the 30 Days. I think when you commit to your practice your focus shifts and instead of wanting to hoag that bag of chips or shovel ben and jerry’s into your mouth, you may find yourself craving healthier food. This is the food that fuels our bodies instead of depleting them. This dish I’m sharing is a great example of a healthy, protein packed meal with the tanginess of walnut kale pesto and the sweetness of cherry tomatoes. A perfect way to celebrate your 30 Days.

Let’s march into week two together, hand in hand, or foot in hand depending on the yoga pose, and see where this 30 Days takes us. I have a feeling we’ve only just begun to see the light.


Quinoa Pesto Salad with Seared Chicken and Tomatoes:


  • 4 cups cooked quinoa
  • 2-4 cooked chicken breasts
  • A big handful of ripe cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 – 3/4 cup kale walnut pesto (recipe here)


1. For the chicken: Rinse and dry your chicken breasts. Salt and pepper both sides. You can of course add other spices that will go with pesto if you like. I chose to keep this pretty simple and let the pesto take the lead. I fried these on medium heat in a little oil and pressed the lid onto them to create the crispness you see. You should cook these for about 4-5 minutes on each side depending on the size of the chicken breast or until the juices run clear. Once the chicken is cooled down a bit slice into 1/4 inch slices.

2. Place the cooked quinoa (that has cooled) into a large bowl. Add the pesto, sliced chicken, and tomatoes and toss until the pesto is combined. Add more pesto depending on how dry the quinoa is. Enjoy!

P.S. Here I am on Day 7. I hope these little videos inspire.


2 thoughts on “Quinoa Pesto Salad with Seared Chicken and Tomatoes & One Week Down.

  1. Clare Futral

    I usually do Yoga a few times a week ..so I really didn’t think I would notice much. But I am much more flexible one week into it. I have been trying not to forget the deep relaxation at the end. I tend to rush through that one because I need to get going on the days activities. I forgot a few times and went back to the mat and almost fell asleep which made me aware that needed the rest!


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